Why would you be wating for someone to step up Im here dude, me and thomas. No one has been coming to this website except a few people so i made the new one. We will get it crackin fa sho. When you get back on it will be crazy. ATR on x-box disbanded, and PS3 is really not crakin. But im getting back on PS3 to help thomas and get it going again, whenever you get time to get on it will be cool. It was good hearing from you though. I been trying to call ron but no answer or phone is off. Anyway ATR on world of warcraft is craking with over 40+ members. I will be leaving that division of ATR at the end of the month and be back on PS3,, there is strong leadership on ATR PC division. Good luck in school.
Also ATR is DEAD, no one plays except like 4 people, no one comes to this website except me, blackhawk, thomas and ARAB comes to talk sh1t as usual. So thats the truth jay, ATR is idle and on life support. So please give me your props and let me and thomas move forward to help it get back up to the elite level. It can happen, im going to ignore the hatters and keep it moving. So if you or anyone has a problem with me it needs to stop because since I left when I had things really rolling back then ATR has died. People have either quit, dont like socom, dont have PS3, are in school, dont have money to pay internet bill, have tons of kids and cant play anymore etc.... Obviously Thomas and I are stepping it up and when there is haters its not doing anything but hurting ATR, and obviuosly no one else has steped up to take ATR back to the top where it once was except Thomas and myself. There is alot of talk from certain people saying that they could have 40 people in ATR at the drop of a hat,, WHERE ARE THEY AT??,, all there doing is bumping there gums and being internet thugs,, all there doing is just that, TALK, TALK ,TALK and aint doing anything. Please let me help thomas and we will get it together. YOU, RON and SMASH are still the founders of ATR. If you do this you will be very happy with the results JAY.
so atr is WOW now? haha thats funny. i hope a new socom comes out one day. unless ATR is on xbox. atr is dead cuz socom is dead and so is PSN . 2,000 teams play every season on PS3 COD , on xbox its 15,000 teams. do the math. come to our side
ps3 is nowhere near dead. its a 10X better system. only reason more are on xbox as of right now is because it was like $200 or 300 dollars cheaper to buy the system. like always PS will outlast its opponants
not this time man. project natal or the new ps3 wii mote thing
netflix integrated ZUNE, FACEBOOK and TWITTER more 3rd parties are on 360 and they took many exclusive franchises from ps3 many have actually told ps that they wont develope for them unless that price cut happened
x box is trying to hard to keep up with ps3 since day 1 hell thay relesed a year befor thay were suppost to just to beat sales then thay tried to drop helo 3 on the ps3 relese date hopeing to drop sales wich did not work then thay tried to get the HD player to compete with bluray lol do thay even make HD DVD any more
Why would you be wating for someone to step up Im here dude, me and thomas. No one has been coming to this website except a few people so i made the new one. We will get it crackin fa sho. When you get back on it will be crazy. ATR on x-box disbanded, and PS3 is really not crakin. But im getting back on PS3 to help thomas and get it going again, whenever you get time to get on it will be cool. It was good hearing from you though. I been trying to call ron but no answer or phone is off. Anyway ATR on world of warcraft is craking with over 40+ members. I will be leaving that division of ATR at the end of the month and be back on PS3,, there is strong leadership on ATR PC division. Good luck in school.
Ummm I'm confused why are you on our site promoting another one of your sites again? and we are obviously not dead on this site if we still have people checking it....I get can see logs...just not everyone post.
ps3 is nowhere near dead. its a 10X better system. only reason more are on xbox as of right now is because it was like $200 or 300 dollars cheaper to buy the system. like always PS will outlast its opponants
i already explained why there are more people on xbox.. strickly because it came out earlier and its considerably cheaper. it will never outlast the playstation. its only a matter of time my friend. YOUR XBOX DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!! MUAHAHAHHA MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH
Well jay everyone knowsthis is the main site. I am not advertising "MY" website, its ATRs website. Its for people that want an updated one, thats all. Dont worry cause no one is trying to steal your shine, me and thomas are going to get ATR running again and an updated website is is something we needed. Ive already have like 8 regulars on the new site. Please just support this and you wont regret it.
Hey ASCMACLAREN,, Me and blackhawkdown started up ATR on World of Warcraft and there is like 53 members. We are not the main leader on there, we have someone running. I started the new website 2 weeks ago and there are 8 people from the roster signed up already.
Since ATR is established on PC, Thomas, myself and blackhawk are going to get ATR running on PS3 to the fullest. So now there is PC division, PS3 division.
Now here comes you ASCMACLAREN, you told me about the situation on x-box. Do you plan taking over the reigns, please let me know about the situation because the website that I have is for all divisions of ATR,, PS3- x-box and PC. We will use one website which will bring more traffic, better conversation. I also have ventrilo set up as well. If you dont know about ventrilo,, it is how people chat over PC using a headset. The ventrillo is ATR's ventrillo, its for all divisions of ATR.
Guess I didn't understand your intentions.....just say up front visit my alternate website please! Instead of "since nobody uses this site...come to the "NEW ATR" site.....
If you keep it up and running I would't even mind making it the primary..I would suggest you keep the forums located here though....and just customize your content.
i already explained why there are more people on xbox.. strickly because it came out earlier and its considerably cheaper. it will never outlast the playstation. its only a matter of time my friend. YOUR XBOX DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!! MUAHAHAHHA MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH
Yea it won't last for sure now that Blue array is the new standard....Sony gets royalties for any blue array produced.....Disney, MGM...all those big companies which means more 'organizations" will support it......
Sony next system is going to be the ****...I'm sure they will adjust