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Post Info TOPIC: Info:Gamebattles Rules

Senior Member

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Posts: 134
Date: 02:29 Nov 20, 2008
Info:Gamebattles Rules

  1. Rules are subject to change at any time, so please check them often.

  2. It is the responsibility of all the users of this ladder to know and understand the rules.

  3. By sending or accepting a challenge in the challenge system, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules posted here. This includes posting or accepting challenges on the Match Finder.

  4. Our goal here at GameBattles is to provide gamers with a place to find fair and competitive matches. In order to accomplish this goal, we will not tolerate players or teams that cause problems or attempt to undermine the positive atmosphere on GameBattles. This includes teams that cheat, dispute on purpose, or repeatedly abuse players. Violators will be dealt with accordingly including possible removal from GameBattles. As with all accusations, valid proof must be provided. Please see the proof section below.

  5. GameBattles prohibits members from creating or managing more than one team on a ladder from the same household as well as competing against each other. Multiple people from the same household may compete on GameBattles; however, only one username can be in a management position on a team. For example, only one username can be a Co-Leader or Leader on a team. All other usernames from the same household cannot be anything higher than member on any team.

  6. Abuse of our volunteer Staff will not be tolerated in any form. This includes written messages or verbal comments. Violators will be removed from GameBattles.

  7. Team members are not able to change the name of their team. Only the leader of the team can submit a ticket to request a team name change. Names must be appropriate and cannot be taken by another team on the same ladder.

  8. Team names, blast messages, logos, avatars, and website links are subject to the Forum Rules.

  9. All MLG/GameBattles accounts are property of Major League Gaming Inc.  Any advertising of, or attempts to buy, sell, trade, or exchange an account by any means is strictly prohibited.  Violators will be banned from all MLG/GameBattles websites and all related accounts terminated.

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Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. It is both teams responsibility to verify the eligibility of all players playing in the match prior to starting or continuing any match play. A team playing with an ineligible player will forfeit the match.

  2. If the opponent team has an ineligible player present, ask the team to replace that player. You must have given the team the required 15 minutes from match start time to substitute their ineligible players. If the ineligible player shows up between maps/rounds, you must give the team the required 5 to replace their ineligible player. If the team does not substitute their ineligible player and allows that player to compete in the match, follow these steps:

    • Immediately submit a ticket stating an ineligible player was present. This ticket must be submitted before starting or continuing to play the match.

    • When the match is completed, you must go back to your ticket and submit the URL link containing valid proof showing the ineligible player playing in the match. Without valid proof, no win can be awarded.

    • Tickets submitted after the match is completed are not valid. You must submit a ticket immediately when the issue arises as stated above.

    • All gamertags on a teams roster must be valid. The gamertag must be legitimately owned by the user on the roster. If the team cannot access the gamertag or has an invalid gamertag on the roster, the team is subject to being locked.

  3. The rules below outline our policies on rostered players. Please see rule number 2 if the following rules are broken:

    • Users are permitted to be listed on only one team on each ladder at any given time. Users are only permitted one gamertag per ladder.

    • All roster spots must be comprised of only one valid gamertag. Spelling and spaces must be exact, but does not need to be case sensitive.

    • Gamertags may not contain foul language, disparaging remarks, hateful or racist names.

    • Players must have a green eligibility icon approved.png next to their name to participate in matches.

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Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. Should a team need to cancel an already accepted match, they must submit a ticket requesting to do so at least 24 hours before the scheduled start time of the match. The match can also be removed at any time if both teams submit tickets agreeing to have it removed. Both teams are also recommended to post feedback stating they wish to cancel the match. If both teams do not agree to have the match removed, both teams are required to play the match.

  2. A team cannot play the same team more than once within a 12 hour period.

  3. The default settings specified in these rules can be changed, but only if an option is available in the challenge. The staff will support no other agreements, (i.e. verbal, AIM, email). Unless specified otherwise in the match details, these default rules will be followed.

General · Rosters · Challenges · No-Shows · Reporting · Crown
Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. A team has 15 minutes to show-up with the number of eligible players indicated in the match details, and be ready to start the match. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit. Teams are responsible for all scheduled matches.

  2. To receive a no-show win, you must submit a ticket within 30 minutes of the scheduled match time. You must also report the match as a win for your team.

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Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. Both teams are responsible for reporting the match within 30 minutes of its completion. If teams do not report matching results, the match will result in a dispute. Both teams are then required to submit a ticket regarding the dispute and include any valid proof they have. Teams can also resolve their own disputes by changing the scores they reported for the match. To do this, teams must go into the match report screen for the disputed match and change the scores within 24 hours of the scheduled start time.
  2. Teams that have 3 or more disputed matches will be automatically locked and unable to play additional matches. The team will not be unlocked until they have less than 3 disputed matches. To resolve disputes, please see rule number 1 above.

  3. Matches that go unreported by one team will be reported automatically for the team that did report. Matches that go unreported by both teams will be deleted automatically.

  4. Any team found to report as the winning team before the match is played orcompleted will be subject to penalties.

  5. All matches need to be reported correctly by both teams. If there is an issue with a match, the match must first be reported accurately and then a ticket containing your valid proof can be submitted afterwards. Do not dispute the match on purpose. Please see the proof section below for more information. If your claims are found to be valid with proof, an Admin has the ability to revert the match.

  6. Disputing a match on purpose will result in penalties for your team.

    • The first time a team disputes on purpose without valid proof, the team is locked for 6 days and the team warning level is increased to level 1.

    • The second time a team disputes on purpose without valid proof, the team is disbanded and the member that disputed is banned as well as the leader of the team.

General · Rosters · Challenges · No-Shows · Reporting · Crown
Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. Crown holders must play at least 2 matches every week. If 2 matches are not played in a week, the crown will be returned to the previous crown holder or will be given back to the Staff of GameBattles to be redistributed.

  2. Crown holders must report their loss prior to playing any other matches to make sure the crown is granted to the correct team.

  3. If the crown holder is caught giving a win to another team before reporting to a team that rightfully won the crown, they are subject to being locked.

General · Rosters · Challenges · No-Shows · Reporting · Crown
Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. Do not contact staff inquiring about the status of a ticket or your team is subject to penalties.  We receive many tickets from our users, and they are handled in the order they are received.

  2. When submitting a ticket, fill out all applicable fields. Submitting an incomplete or incorrect ticket will be closed without being processed. You are required to select your team name from the drop-down. If you are submitting a ticket about a match, you must also fill out the match ID or your ticket will not be processed.

  3. All admin decisions are final. If you would like your case looked into again due to new evidence, feel free to submit a new ticket. Submitting a ticket without additional evidence is argumentative and you risk your team being locked. Do not post in the forums regarding a ticket issue.

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Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. The use of any communications other than what is provided within the game is prohibited. For example, the use of Skype or private chatting during a match is not allowed.

  2. We have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Teams caught cheating, glitching, or abusing in-game mechanics in any way will be removed from GameBattles.

  3. If your team receives a win that was not earned or played, you must submit a ticket to have it removed. Failure to do so will result in your team being removed from GameBattles.

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Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. If you have any problems during a match, you may contact a Staff member over Live Support to answer any questions you may have. Please contact the Referees first as this is their job. To find the list of Staff members, click on the Staff tab located within each ladder.  Please use this link to get to Live Support:

  2. If a Staff member is called into a match for any reason, all players must comply with the Staff members instructions. Failure to do so will result in penalties for your team.

  3. Verbally abusing Staff members called into a match will not be tolerated. The individual user and/or team violating this rule will be subject to being locked. All team leaders are responsible for the conduct of the players on the team while interacting with staff and are subject to penalties for abusive team players.

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Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches


  1. You need to show proof of winning each map/game in a match to be given the win for it. All proof must be clearly visible and show the in-game full scoreboard during the completion of that map/game. The proof must all clearly show both team's players to be considered valid.

  2. We recommend all video proof should be uploaded to the GB Game Room. Picture proof can be uploaded to your GB profile. The URL link to the individual pictures/proof must be placed in a ticket.

  3. For all glitching and cheating claims, the burden of proof is on the accuser. To submit a glitching or cheating claim, you must submit a ticket and include the URL link containing valid proof.

  4. All conversations between users are not considered proof. This includes AIMs, emails, PMs, etc.

General Ladder
  1. All players participating in a match must be on the roster for at least 12 hours and can not be updated within the past 12 hours prior to the match start time indicated in the accepted match details.

  2. This ladder is limited to 28 players per team.

  3. Every team is required to have a minimum of 6 players on their roster prior to accepting a match.

General · Rosters · Challenges · No-Shows · Reporting · Crown
Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches

  1. The default settings specified in these rules can be changed, but only if an option is available in the challenge. The staff will support no other agreements, (i.e. verbal, AIM, email). So unless specified otherwise in the match details, these default rules will be followed.

    • Game Settings

      • Number of Players: 16v16
      • Privacy: Private
      • Weapon Options: Default
        • If Rocket/Grenade launchers are restricted in the Challenge Template/Match Details then Grenade Launchers and Rocket Lanchers need to be disabled via the Weapon Restrictions option in game.
      • Playlist Options: See Below

    •  Map Settings

      • Game Mode: Challenge Template/Match Details
      • Respawn: Off
      • Respawn Count: -
      • Respawn Delay: -
      • Kills to Win: -
      • Friendly Fire: On
      • Round Count: 12
      • Round Time: 5 Minutes
      • Time of Day: Challenge Template/Match Details
      • Target Spotting: Disabled

  2. The following are regulations for matches that must be followed. If they are not, the match or map will not count for the match, and must be replayed correctly.

    1. Map as specified in the Challenge/Match Details.
    2. Game Mode as specified in the Challenge/Match Details.
    3. Time of Day as specified in the Challenge/Match Details.

General · Rosters · Challenges · No-Shows · Reporting · Crown
Tickets · Cheating · Referees · Proof · General Ladder · Settings · Matches

  1. All matches must be played in their entirety unless both teams agree to postpone or cancel the match.If agreed, both teams must submit a ticket requesting the postponement or challenge removal. A referee can be contacted to witness the agreement details.

  2. Teams can play a best of 3 (first team to win 2 maps wins the match) or a best of 5 (first team to win 3 maps wins the match).

  3. If a map ends with a tie in the amount of rounds per team. The winner of the map will be decided by who the game chooses.

  4. The room can be created by any player. It is the responsibility of both teams to check the settings of the game before the match starts. If both teams start the match with incorrect settings, the match will stand unless the map, game mode, or time of day is incorrect, which would result in the map needing to be replayed.

  5. In a best of 3, the higher ranked team picks the first side on the first map, the other team chooses the first side on the second map. In a best of 5, teams will alternate picking first sides for the first four maps, starting with the higher ranked team. In both cases, whichever team won the most overall rounds gets to pick the first side for the final map. If both teams have won the same amount of overall rounds, the higher ranked team gets to pick the first side for the final map. If neither team is ranked, the team with the id closest to 1 will be considered the higher ranked team. Rank is determined at the scheduled time of the battle.

  6. Teams may not delay the match for more than 5 minutes between each map. If a team delays the start for longer than 5 minutes between maps, they will forfeit that map. The team that did not delay must submit a ticket with valid proof showing that this delay did occur. First, the match must be completed and the scores must be reported correctly. Do not dispute the match on purpose. After the match is complete, submit a ticket containing the URL link of the proof.

  7. If a player disconnects during the initial launch of a map, the map will be restarted. The initial launch is defined as within the first 30 seconds or before the first kill. If both teams disagree over when the disconnection took place, video proof must be provided. First, the match must be completed and the scores must be reported correctly. The URL link of the proof must be submitted in a ticket once the match is completed.

  8. If a player disconnects after the game has started, the game will continue and the player may rejoin via their game invite. The player rejoining may be the player that dropped or a new eligible player.

  9. The use of any restricted item or weapon (i.e. 203 attachment, or RPG), which results in one team receiving a positive kill, will result in a forfeit of the present map for the offending team.


Senior Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 139
Date: 08:07 Nov 20, 2008



General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

Status: Offline
Posts: 287
Date: 22:42 Nov 20, 2008

learn them fellas


General Above The Rest (Web Founder)

Status: Offline
Posts: 674
Date: 15:22 Nov 21, 2008

good information --- we need to have a good breakdown given to everybody during the next meeting.


Senior Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 234
Date: 14:07 Nov 28, 2008

Thats only if people show up to the meeting, or if you have enough pepole in the clan.



Status: Offline
Posts: 496
Date: 14:13 Nov 28, 2008



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