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Post Info TOPIC: About nationalsocomleague!

Senior Member

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Date: 23:18 Oct 30, 2006
About nationalsocomleague!

NSL Season Guidelines

The NSL season will have 16 clans battling twice a week over the course of 16 games in a League structure similar to that of the NFL. Each “war” will consist of a best 2 out of 3 maps, the results decided by the 16 players on each squad. Wars are played every Monday and Thursday night at 7PM PST / 10 PM EST. It is the League’s expectation that the entire season will encompass 10-12 weeks, concluding with a 8-team playoff to determine the NSL 2006 Summer Season Champions.

Match Size
All matches for the entire duration of the NSL 2006 Summer season will be 16 vs. 16. If you and your clan show up for regularly scheduled wars short any number of players, you will green up at the scheduled start time and play short that many players. Players arriving after the war has begun are welcome to join at any point in time (both during and between maps while teams are in the lobby).

Home Field Advantage
The NSL is a League designed to provide a true Home Field Advantage. We do not do so by throwing beer at players or screaming real loud and waving flags. The home team of each war is afforded the right to select the map, the game type, and either Seals or Terrorists for both the first and third maps of every best 2 out of 3 war. The home team needs to then win only the two map/type/side combinations of their choosing to win the war. In contrast, the away team must win a minimum of one map/type/side combination of the home team’s choosing if they hope to attain victory.

Each clan will play an even 8 home games, as well as 8 away games. This will provide a level playing field for all participating clans.

Map/Type/Side Selection
Every map/type/side selection is available to each clan only once throughout the entire season including playoffs. This means that if Clan A selects Fault/Demolition/Terrorists for the first map of their first game, then Clan A may not choose Fault/Demolition/Terrorists again for the remainder of the season. They may however choose Fault/Demolition/Seals or Fault/Suppression/Terrorists as those are completely different map/type/side combinations.

The home team will always pick the map/type/side combination for both the first and third maps of every war. The away team will choose the map/type/side combination for the second map of every war. In the event play of the third map is not necessary (either the home or away team wins the war 2-0) and the third map is not used, that map/type/side combination is available for the home team’s choosing at a later date.

NOTE: In the event that disciplinary action is taken and a clan is forced to forfeit a map due to abusing the NSL Guidelines and Courtesies, the map/type/side combination that would have been played under normal circumstances will be considered “executed” and will not be available to the offending clan for future use.

BONEYARD: Due to it's overwhelming amount of soft spots where random fire and frags through solid objects can often change the outcome of a war, Boneyard has been removed from the League completely and is not eligible for selection for any war.

Type Limitations
The Suppression, Control Point, Demolition, Convoy and Extraction game types are not subject to any limitations, meaning that they can be chosen any number of times throughout the season as long a map combination that contains that map type remains available to your clan.

In extreme contrast, each clan is allowed to choose both the Breach and Escort map type ONCE throughout the entire season and playoffs. For example, if Clan B was to choose to play a Breach maps for their war of the season, then Clan B may not choose another Breach map again for the remainder of the season and playoffs. Please use your Breach and Escort maps wisely.

There is no minimum use to this rule, meaning that you and your clan may elect NOT to use any of one particular game type for the duration of the season.

Time of Day
At the time of selecting your map/type/side combinations, you will also have the ability to choose either Night or Day. This has no bearing on map/type/side combination choices and is strictly up to your preference. For example, if Clan C chooses Boneyard/Demolition/Terrorists/Night, they cannot then select Boneyard/Demolition/Terrorists/Day later in the season.

Grenade Launchers
There will be a “no grenade launcher” checkbox placed on the Scheduling page of the website. On a per war basis, each clan has the opportunity to check the “no GL” checkbox. If either clan does not check the “no GL” checkbox, then grenade launchers will be deemed legal for the entire war. This must be done at the time map/type/side combinations are being selected.

If both clans agree to a “no GL” war and a grenade launcher is indeed used in that war, the offending clan will immediately forfeit the map in which the offense occurred.
- By NSL definitions, airbursts are also categorized as a “grenade launcher”.

While the NSL does not ban any weapons available in the game, the overwhelming use of grenade launchers is indeed frowned upon by the popular majority of the League. In each individual clan’s goal of creating a social, friendly, fun, and competitive atmosphere among our peers here in the NSL community, this type of “win at all costs” behavior could prove to be detrimental to the environment we are trying to create – outcasting the clan who practices such unfavorable tactics.
- “Overwhelming use” is defined as over 50% of your clan using grenade launchers, not to complete an objective (i.e. destroy a tank, stop a convoy, etc.), but to “ensure” a victory in an already advantageous situation (i.e. Fault/Breach as Terrorists, when outnumbering a short-handed team, etc.).

Map Specifics
- 9 rounds per map at 6 minutes per round
- Vehicles: On
- All Weapons: On (unless otherwise agreed upon by both clans)
- Friendly Fire: On
- Scoring: Unranked
- # of Players: 32

Home team map/type/side selections must be scheduled through the Scheduling section of the website a minimum of 48 hours prior to the scheduled match time. The away team’s selection must be scheduled through the Scheduling section of the website a minimum of 24 hours prior to the scheduled match time. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a forfeit of your selection. A random map/type/side combination will then be chosen for you.
- If a random map/type/side selection is played, this combination will indeed be removed from that clan’s map listing and will count against that clan’s type limitations quota.

NOTE: In instances where persons with scheduling rights on the website are not available, map selections can also be made in the Scheduling section of the forums prior to the deadline.

It is the responsibility of each clan to track and maintain their own map selections as they pertain to what combinations remain available for them to choose on a per-war basis. Selections made on the website or forums are not infallible. In the event a previously used map combination is chosen and the error is discovered AFTER the deadline but PRIOR to the start of the war, the offending clan will be subject to a random map selection determined by the website.

The NSL does not limit the size of your available roster. This means that while the in-game roster supports only 32 players, we fully understand that many clans use multiple rosters to allow for the large number of players needed to support 16v16 matches.

In-game names must match roster names as registered on the site exactly. Any player in the war lobby with a discrepancy in their name will be assumed to be trespassing and can be asked to leave the room by the opposing clan. All players in your clan must wear your clan tag. There will be no exceptions.

All players must be registered in your clan, on the site, a full 24 hours prior to any war in order to be eligible to participate in that war.

Trading Deadline
The trading deadline is one day prior to the start of League wars on week 12 (July 19th at 7PM PST). All clan rosters will freeze on this date and no changes can be made until after the championship game has been completed.

League Password
There will be one standard password used for the entire duration of the NSL 2006 Winter/Spring Season. This password will be established by the @NUTZ@, winners of the NSL 2006 Winter/Spring Season. The NSL password is highly confidential and is never to be discussed in any public venue (on public forums, in-game lobby chat or type, etc.). The password will be communicated to your clan leader and it is their responsibility to relay this password to all participating members of your clan and your clan only.

NSL passwords reset with each subsequent season. It is League tradition that the reigning championship team set the League password for all games during their defending season.

All postseason guidelines default to those of the regular season unless a variation on a specific rule is detailed in either this “Postseason” or the “Championship” section of said guidelines.

Each conference will send 4 teams to the playoffs, giving us a total of 8 teams vying for the Championship through postseason play. These 8 teams will consist of the 4 division winners and two wild card teams from each conference. Wild card teams are those two teams in each conference with the best overall records whom did not win their division.

Playoff clans and seeding will be determined by the following, in this exact order:
1. Division Champion
2. Overall Record
3. Head to Head Record
4. Division Record
5. Conference Record
6. Round Win %

In each conference, the first round of the playoffs will have the #1 seed hosting the #4 seed, while the #2 seed hosts the #3 seed. Winners of these games will square off in the Conference Championships, with the higher seeded clan acting as the home team.

The war structure of the first two rounds of playoffs will follow the best 2 out of 3 and home field advantage formats as played during the regular season.

Map choices will reset for the playoffs and all map/type/side combinations will once again be available to every clan, no matter if your clan had used the combination during the regular season or not. However…

Map choices will NOT reset for the playoffs and all map/type/side combinations used in the regular season will NOT be eligible for use during the postseason.

Championship Game
Winners of each Conference Championship Game will battle in a best 3 out of 5 final to determine the 2006 Summer NSL Champions.

The higher seeded clan will act as the home team, choosing the map/type/side combination for both the first and third maps. The away team will choose the same for the 2nd and 4th maps. For the 5th and final tiebreaker map, the home team is afforded the right to either pick the map/type combination, or choose to delegate the map/type choice to the opposing clan AND instead, elect to choose the side for that map/type combo of their opponent’s choice. To sum it up, one team will pick the map/type combo while the other chooses which side to play on that map.

The fifth and final map is not subject to any map or type limitations and can be any combination of map and type, regardless of how many times the clan choosing the map/type has selected this same combination throughout the regular season and playoffs.

The decision to select either the map or the side for the 5th and final tiebreaker map of Championship Game must be communicated by the home team, on the Scheduling Forums, a full 72 hours prior to the scheduled start of the Championship Game. The clan who chooses the map will then make their map selection 48 hours prior to the start of the Championship Game. The team choosing the side will follow suit, naming their side selection 24 hours prior to the Championship Game.

All-Star Game
The NSL will hold a 16v16 All-Star Game, pitting each conference against one another, at the mid-point of the season. The All-Star Game will take place during regular League nights and hours – giving all members of the NSL who are not participating in the game the night off. Each clan will send two players of their own choosing to represent their clan in the All-Star Game. Specifics of the All-Star Game, such as maps, length, etc. will be determined by the League after posting of the final schedule.

National SOCOM League Courtesies

The following should not be judged as rules, but rather common courtesies afforded to yourselves as well as your fellow NSL brethren. Refusal to comply with these courtesies will result in you being sent to your room without dinner.

War Nights and Times
NSL wars are held every Monday and Thursday at 7PM Pacific Standard Time / 10PM Eastern Standard Time. It is your clan’s responsibility to have a full roster in the war room, ready to play, at those times and on those days. There will be no rescheduling.

The home team will create the war room to the specifications laid out in the Scheduling section of the website A MINIMUM of 10 minutes prior to the war (i.e. 6:50PM PST/ 9:50PM EST).

Green Up
There is a 10 minute grace period from the scheduled start of the match to allow all players to enter the server, verify rosters, choose their weapons, spawn points, etc. and green up. This means that all participants in the war must be ready to go, greened up by 7:10PM/10:10PM at the absolute latest. This courtesy is not to be abused. Your scheduled start time is 7PM/10PM and should always begin on time.

Any failure from any one clan to green up and begin the match before the expiration of the 10 minute, before the match, grace period will forfeit the first map. The room will then be remade with the start of the second map, the non-offending clan up 1 map to none.

There is a 5 minute grace period between maps to allow clans to swap players, verify rosters, switch sides, choose weapons, spawns, etc., bathroom breaks and green up.

Any failure from any one clan to green up and begin the match before the expiration of the 5 minute, between map, grace period will forfeit that map. If necessary, the room will then be remade with the start of the next map, the non-offending clan earning a win for the previous, unplayed map.

Code of Conduct
While you and your clan’s goal may be to win the season championship, the League’s goal is a friendly and safe environment that cultivates both a competitive and joyous atmosphere. Your actions and behavior during the season will be studied and taken into account when the League begins accepting clan applications for future NSL events.

The NSL's foundation is first and foremost, FUN - with the supporting principles of class, respect and sportsmanship. Winning is a happenstance that comes with the nature of the game, but of our five core principles, ranks dead last in its importance to any clan in this League. Both your in-game and active forum behavior should exemplify this statement.

The NSL has a zero tolerance policy for any member of any clan manipulating the game or taking advantage of in-game mechanics to achieve an unfair advantage. Glitching, using codes, cabling, wall-humping (lol), etc. is strictly prohibited. If any member of the NSL is found to be abusing this guideline, that member as well as their clan will be removed from the League both immediately and indefinitely. There will be no exceptions.

The NSL forums are there for the use of the NSL community to keep up on League events, schedule matches, recount their experiences, and engage in friendly conversation. Verbally abusing another clan or member of the NSL (both written and oral) is strictly prohibited. Issues with another player or clan will be discussed directly with that clan and/or individual, in a civilized manner and on your own time (i.e. not on our forums).

SOCOM is a game of strategy, with all strategies available to both teams. There will be no unfavorable discussion of another clan’s tactics either in the game lobby or on the NSL forums.

Refusal to comply with these guidelines may result in your removal from the League.

Any and all disputes between clans will be dealt with not on the public forums, but within the confines of the Supreme Court, among each of the clan leaders and NSL administration. Each clan leader participating in the NSL tournament will accept this extra responsibility in an attempt to maintain the fun and friendly atmosphere of the public forums. If any person other than the clan leader would like to comment on a topic directly relating to themselves, they may do so through their respective clan leader.

Greening up and playing a match forfeits your opportunity to dispute any inappropriate actions by the opposing team (failure to meet start times, roster violations, etc.) unless you are otherwise ordered to do so by a League admin or moderator. By starting the match, you are accepting that war with that clan as is and will honor the results of the match.

Mass Boots / Server Glitches
In the event of a mass boot, the current map will be suspended and the room re-created on the current map. The match will continue as if the score of the match the round prior to the mass boot had been carried over to the new room, though all draws will be reset to zero.
- A mass boot is defined as the server dropping half (or more) of the players from both teams.

In the event of a server glitch, all players must immediately leave the room and re-create the room on the current map. Players with keyboards should communicate to the opposing team that a server glitch has occurred. Failure to leave immediately will signify your acceptance of the conditions of the current game and your willingness to honor the results of the match.
- A server glitch takes many forms, such as the game mistakenly awarding a round to either team in the middle of the round when no definitive result has actually occurred, hostages being extracted at the beginning of a round without player control, convoy trucks not appearing on the map, etc.

Reporting results of the match will be initiated by a member of the home team through the Reporting section of the website. Reporting will consist of maps played, rounds won by each team, draws and MVPs. The inclusion of additional detail is strongly encouraged, and may be done by members of either team through the Play-by-Play section of the forums. This practice is much appreciated by many longtime members of the NSL. After all, we are all fans of the game and many of us enjoy hearing each others’ war stories. Of course, all recounts of in-game activity should be congratulatory in manner.

Reporting of war results should be immediate as this will help to expedite the scheduling process for the following week’s wars.

In-Game Lobby Chat
Lobby chat and typing is not only allowed, but encouraged. Please feel free to engage in friendly conversation, recap previous maps, joke around with each other, ask one another out on a date, whatever. All that each of us ask is that we keep it civil. Members of warring clans should share with each other “good luck” before every map, as well as “good game” following every war. Derogatory remarks, extreme bouts of smack talk, or abusive comments of any kind will not be tolerated.

NOTE: Typing to all during gameplay is highly discouraged. Out of respect for each other, please refrain from doing so.

Clan Application

Please read the NSL Guidelines and Courtesies completely prior to submitting your clan application. All interested clans should start a new thread containing the following information in the Clan Application forum in the NSL 2006 Season section of the forums:

- Name of clan / Clan tag
- Clan leader and/or main point of contact
- E-mail address and/or AIM screen name
- Clan website / forums (if available)
- Clan’s SOCOM server
- # of members on your clan roster
- Your referring NSL clan and/or clan member(s)
- Any other pertinent information you wish to provide

Posting for National SOCOM League application will act as your authorized signature, clearly demonstrating that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the NSL Guidelines and Courtesies. Any breach of this commitment may result in your immediate removal from the League and all related and future events.


Senior Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 399
Date: 23:24 Oct 30, 2006

dam thats a lot of **** u worte down killer good job


Senior Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 192
Date: 23:28 Oct 30, 2006



Lieutenant General

Status: Offline
Posts: 397
Date: 10:39 Oct 31, 2006

omg thats a lot of f'n not reading all that ..all i know is im signed up for so i can war in that or whatever..


Veteran Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 60
Date: 07:22 Nov 4, 2006

ey um killer i regestired up on the national socom league site my name on is CommanderRose now what do I do?


Senior Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 192
Date: 07:58 Nov 4, 2006

Go to clans under the menu..then find where it says AboveTheRest...then i think it should say join somewhere..the one abovetherest that has no spaces..alright peace..


Veteran Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 60
Date: 08:12 Nov 4, 2006

ok thanx bro

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