Whats good pimp last time I heard from you, you were having a baby, how did all that go? Anyway, I havne been on this website in like 6 months and ARAB already bein a clown ass hoe as usual, lol. I guess no one really comes here except the people you remember from when you were on last time. No one can post on this site without being harassed by dumb ass arab, and some people just have moved on from playstation all together. As for RON I think he is on MAG and COD, JAYSKILLS is playing now I heard (which is sweet) and me and Blackhawkdown talk everyday on ventrilo. Im coming back when the new socom comes out so my PS3 is collecting dust, hopefully I can get something started this time without the HASTLE from certain people, twice I had ATR on a role with new site and everything but 1. ARAB was acting like a whore who sucks d1ck and was pretty much talking bad to new members and some old and 2. Ill explain in private chat. But there is a new dawn up ahead and socom4 is coming out, im in the works of trying it again hopefully now people understand and get where I was coming from, now after about 9 months off the website hopefully people are seeing what I was trying to say was the problems back then. HOLLA at me, if you want the team speak information so we could talk over computer let me know.