Just got my life straightened out and got things situated. Got my 250 gig PS3 a few days ago, and waiting for MAG!!! Have not talked to alot of you in a while. I noticed since my "R&R" I lost rank and I am no longer in the roster. Which is understandable. Hmmm.... Been a long time though. So how has everyone been? Hopefully better than me. Things are looking up though. Funny thing is, is I bet no one remembers me lol. HAHA It's ok though. I might get COD Modern Warfare2 but, probobly not. I dislike COD, maps are tiny. Like I said. I am waiting on my MAG! I got it pre-ordered. January 26th, is its release date. I got to get me a headset for the ps3 also. Not really up to date yet with it. But its bad ass to see everyone is still around, with a few exceptions lol.
Joker-187, I had alot of differrent names, Umm.... lol cant remember them all. I was always around Ron916. I had / have a short temper. Talked alot of ****. Got into it with one member cause he had a smart mouth.... I rushed 99% of the time. Complained alot. lol I mean thats me lol
Ron916 - Yes Smash916 - Yes Ragaddyinda916 - No Arab.Killer - Yes Glock2416 - No Purefect - No Dramatic - Yes, He was always around 2 lol. Gatabites - No Conseled - No Blackhawk - Yes Dwishbone - No Texasmonkeyslapper - No King.Koopa - Yes, we did not get along lol. He TK'd me and laughed about it.. lol Gambit - No Clearsights - No
Oh and when MAG comes out, I am gonna be leveled up so damn quick it isn't funny. I got use to it already and I run the ****. lol. You have to level up to get perks and sorta like a RPG First person shooter. I like it. And it does work out. Does sound odd though when you put it like that lol.
On the beta, you can play 2 different types. You can rank up and use skill points but thats all. Nothing else. But you can see everything. Oh and you can start a clan on it, but I wouldnt because they delete your **** when the beta is done.
I am currently lvl 29 and my best game so far was 45 kills / 2 deaths. But too bad it does not record it lol.