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Post Info TOPIC: Falcons Claw

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Date: 13:43 Dec 5, 2008
Falcons Claw

Whats up ATR? Nothin overhere at F*C, just rying to get situated and get another gb win. Hope to see you guys on are clan forums.  Go sign up and enjoy!!


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Date: 13:44 Dec 5, 2008

what happen to getting a website done by kingdom interactive? i see you have your old one up!


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Date: 14:17 Dec 5, 2008

@ Democratic

How about you dont post rude comments about [ATR] on our recruiting forum on the playstation network forum. You will start a flaming match that you in fact CANNOT WIN.
PS. You will also be removed from our forums, and friend lists if this continues.

[ATR] BurnShot



General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

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Date: 14:47 Dec 5, 2008



General Above The Rest (Web Founder)

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Date: 15:05 Dec 5, 2008




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Date: 08:43 Dec 6, 2008

Definitely not cool


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Date: 13:18 Dec 6, 2008

Damn stop acting like pussies! I idnt even say anything rude, if it was rude why did you joke about it the other day in the room when we were on the same sides. Stop taking everything so serious...I WANT TO BE ALLIES, you dumb fvck.  Your acting like i said somethin horrible, it was all in fun..thats why i put lol. And thats why you replied with a lol.  Stop acting like simp b1tches.  I aint got time for your baby games. If it was rude the moderators would have messaged me for abuse...I got 15 of them on my friends list, so please grow up and stop the  madness.  So if you want to be a pussy b1tch go ahead and erase me from your friends list and the forums. All i said was ATR isnt good and come to my website...That was all i said..1 fvcking sentance. I WANT TO BE ALLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How much do i got to say it?  Whuts up whitetiger, we are still getting the KINGDOM INTERCTIVE but we are on a waiting list..BOOOOOO!.  So I have been in contact with IMOSTUDIOS.  It will happen around february.  So i have to have something good up.  We are gettign hits like no other, soon we will be in the top 10 of TSS....YEE-HAW.  MUCH love to ATR!!  Come post on my site too, you crazy bastardz!! Im tired of hooking yall up,lol.



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Date: 05:58 Dec 10, 2008



General Above The Rest (Web Founder)

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Date: 07:10 Dec 10, 2008


Your cheating your page count and thinking that means anything?

TSS -- is a joke.........I don't waste my time cheating a website.


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Date: 09:22 Dec 10, 2008

Why would you think of something like that? I dont understand you dawg, I am cheating what count? And be more clear,,what am i thinking it means anything, because im ranked 8th. LOL, your a joke,,do i sense some hate. Have you seen in any of my posts me braging about anything??? No you havnt, so what are you talking about?? And if TSS was such a joke,,lol,,,why did you go out of your way in that other post to prove that you had the number 1 ranked website on there like 3 years ago? And if TSS was such a joke why do you have the emblem with your clan website ranked 48 on your splash page. And if TSS was such a joke why are you a part of it? Dont get mad at me because we are ballin right now! I told you i want to be allies, ONCE again I WANT TO BE ALLIES. You just dont understand that,,I stopped all the negative posts.disbeliefno


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Date: 12:40 Dec 10, 2008

ATR was fine from Apr 30th until Jay came back trying to take over evrything after being inactive for so long. He put .com site back up after i worked so hard on the .net. He was moved to 4 star general because he was in some dumb ATR society the brotherhood. The brotherhood messed it up for ATR. Then NArcotic came back talking all this trash syaing ATR this and ATR that...guess what Narcotic aint active he only came on like 4 days in 3 months.  Then we got whitetiger talking trash...guess what he quit ATR again. If ATR wants to change they need new leadership, they need leaders that play. How can you be a part time leader and come on the game and think you have power in the clan when your never on? Any way there are 5 people that killed ATR and here is the list:

RON-916 (founder): Never plays. Home issues understandable, but you cant be the leader of a clan and dont play.

SMASH916 (founder): Never plays

Jayskills (leader): plays 4 times a week for like 2 hours at a time. Inactive for months and comes back power hungry. Puts the .com back up because he see's that democratic is doing his thing with the .net. Jealous because democratic Is in a higher rank then he is. Starts complaining to ron about the brotherhood bullsh1t and ron promotes him to 4 star.

narcotic (clan member): has played only 5 times in 3 months. Was the one that talked the most trash. Was inactive and was mad that democratic changed alot of things in ATR for the better. He wanted it to go to the old ATR days. Wanted a higher rank and complained about it and talked trash about me and blackhawk. Where is the big trash talker  now???

whitetiger (clan member): Talked alot of trash about me and blackhawk, said we were scrubs, are website sucked, we wernt good leaders, said we left on bad terms with ATR and we are whack, wanted to get us banned on the ATR forums. where is whitetiger now?? He quit ATR and sold his PS3, lol.

These are the people that killed ATR. They did all of that trash talking at the beginging.  They either left ATR or are still unactive like before. Remember before Jay and Narc and the old members started to come back, there was no yelling or arguing on the forums. Now look at ATR youguys are at the bottom of the sh1t pile.


General Above The Rest (Web Founder)

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Date: 12:42 Dec 10, 2008


I have nothing to be jealous...imbecile. My site was ranked #1 the legit way (no vote stacking) on both TSS and Socom wars website --- so what the hell does that mean? ...not a damm thing.

I'm going to teach you something again like I did the last post....

You need to go read the TSS Rules - You have that counter everywhere on your site to include on our forums! which increase your visits a lot more. I only have the button at the entrance (were your supposed to have it)
With you putting your button on my forums each post substantially increases your counts. (Almost 10 fold --- Which is illegal idiot!)


Can I have more than one TSS button on my page?

No, This is called "Vote Stacking" and is usually a tactic used by people that want to build up the ranks on an under preforming website.
By putting a TSS button of a site that is doing poorly on a site that is doing well you are in effect falsifying the stats for the under preforming sites.
This is a violation of the TSS rules and you will receive one warning. After your warning, if it is found again both of your sites will be removed from TSS and Blacklisted (IP, Site, Email will be banned from site) TSS is a fair play community, Lets Keep TSS fair too!!

-- Edited by Jayskills at 13:20, 2008-12-11


General Above The Rest (Web Founder)

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Date: 12:56 Dec 10, 2008

@ Demo

All those people had nothing to do with's a bad excuse. You were talking hella "ATR 4 LIFE" New level ----bull****.

Ron gave you leadership---You had access to the website, but you dropped the ball. Don't go blaming other people were you didn't step to the were talking hella ****....and you did exactly what I expected you to do.......leave.

And wtf is this "ATR" is dead........we got only 14 members in the clan now and I get more forums post then you do. So who really is dead?


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Date: 14:40 Dec 10, 2008

Take my pic off the banner aswell. I respect Ron and I will have my dude on my friends list for as long as he let me but I never liked this nigga Jayskills. You came out of no where with this whole im running this style and didn't do **** but one little website update. You can say what you want about me but once Ron disbannded the clan I made the choice to go with Demo. I havn't posted in here until I seen Jay block head ass come with hate on the F*C forums.

Damn nigga what you so mad at....its just a game.


General Above The Rest (Web Founder)

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Date: 15:30 Dec 10, 2008

You don't know were I came from? Ummm....I don't know were you came from! I was onlne the day SOCOM Confrontation came out.

Who are you? You left because of me?? Damm I didn't' even know you kid.....

Dude you guys come to my forums hating --- I was educating Demo for talking **** over here for over what 4 weeks now?  You even told him he was on some bull**** your on his nutt sack?  Check yourself.

And get it right........I'm not a hater...If you want me to clown you I can....I would insult your picture, but it's self explanatory.

-- Edited by Jayskills at 15:39, 2008-12-10



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Date: 12:28 Dec 11, 2008

DEMO blocked me from the cheating falcons claw site because i posted one bad thing on the forum. i just told them that they were vote stacking.. and demo's immature ass flipped. he is too immature to run a clan, hes like a 15 year old girl with a bad temper.. lol glad you guys got rid of him.


General Above The Rest (Web Founder)

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Date: 13:23 Dec 11, 2008

I give his clan not even 6 months...bets anyone?



General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

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Date: 15:11 Dec 11, 2008



Brigadier General (Clan Clown)

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Date: 18:34 Dec 11, 2008

jay ill put $500 on that


Brigadier General (Clan Clown)

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Date: 18:36 Dec 11, 2008

a clan needs a LEADER in charge, not a follower to have a successful clan. and unfortunately demo u just werent born with the goods!


General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

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Date: 21:48 Dec 12, 2008



General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

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Date: 07:26 Dec 13, 2008



General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

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Date: 07:33 Dec 13, 2008




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Date: 09:36 Dec 13, 2008

well maybe that why jay ban demo ip on here so that why jay is cuz porb while we try posted something on here nice u should tell me and i will talk to demo about unban u



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Date: 11:20 Dec 13, 2008

unban you lol... you guys are a joke. by the way BLACKHAWK.. you are DEMO's little bitch..



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Date: 05:17 Dec 14, 2008

u have porb with me punk then why u come here so i can whoop your little azz



General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

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Date: 05:25 Dec 14, 2008




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Date: 10:53 Dec 14, 2008

dont even start with me. you know i'd pwn you..i always did. and not only you but your butt buddy friend that plays with you too.. lol message me for 1v1, actually grab your whole clan and i can put money down that i'd mess you guys up. hah you're garbage, you aren't gonna get into Urgent Fury, all you guys have is a website.

-- Edited by ROYALE_360 at 10:54, 2008-12-14


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Date: 17:37 Dec 14, 2008

see what im saying RON. look at this ****. Everyone being stupid. Royale shouldn't even be in here. This nigga Royale is a clown. People being real ****ing stupid right now. Go back and look at yourselves (re-read the whole post). Its sad. Royale stop being a girl man. You left ATR in like 1 day and left F*C in like 2 weeks. You should just stay out of both clan forums.



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Date: 00:45 Dec 15, 2008

forums arent reserved for just clan members... rons good with me, i'm good with ATR. i left cause of inactivity and ron knew what was up. and you left ATR too so why are you trying to act like i'm the bad guy? you made two names for two different clans. thats unloyal and i wouldnt want anyone like that in my clan. you guys just need to get your **** straight over there at F*C. you're more worried about the website then you are actual skills. if you think the guys you have now are gonna get you into Urgent Fury, you're sadly mistaken cause they dont have half of what it takes. why did demo boot romybizz? he didnt even say anything to him. he was the best guy in F*C besides me (not trying to be arrogant). he took me off of his friends list cause HE'S being a little girl. i sent you a nice message telling you why i left and good luck and whatnot and he took it negatively and bashed [SHO], my new clan, because he was jealous? just dont call me a little bitch and try to get me kicked off the forums when you guys are being immature, stacking votes on TSS and bashing me for no reason. I would worry about recruiting some legit talent before you put some much, time, effort and money into a website. by the way, I'd like to set up a nice 1v4 for this week...DEMO BLACKHAWK YOU and someone else lol


General Above The Rest (Clan Founder)

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Date: 06:04 Dec 15, 2008



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Date: 08:07 Dec 15, 2008

If you read my other post you will see I adressed everything. All im saying is why can't you just have some class and let everything blow over. I had two names because RON made F*C his allies. Whatever dude this the last time you will hear from me.


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Date: 09:09 Dec 15, 2008

Whats good RON, JAYSKILLS, BURN, the ATR clan. Seems like you guys are getting sh1t together over here, good job fellas. I have been to the gameladders website, the people that make those templates are really good. I like the gameladder site,, are you guys trying to do a gb thing on there or a tournament ladder??,,,just curious.  I did ban jayskills and ROYALE for vular language on my clans forums,, but they have since been unbanned,, they were on a week ban,lol.  RON i dont know what your talking about,, i never banned you, you did nothing wrong. I will no longer be leaving dumb gay azz posts in the ATR website. We have all been wrong for doing it,, agree, stop the petty sh1t. ATR and F*C are allies!!

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